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Cacao Hunters, Cachet, Cailo, Charm School, Chocolat Bonnat, Claudio Corallo, Cocanu

These reviews are based on my own opinion, which has grown and developed over the years (note the date tasted). My opinion and palate may differ from yours. I was not paid to review any bar. 

Cacao Hunters




Bar: Arauca

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 70%

​​Aroma: honey, raisin, cinnamon

Taste: caramel, stone fruit, grapefruit

​Rating: 9

Tasting Date : 7/31/17



Bar: Archuacos

Origin: Colombia, Sierra Nevada

Percent: 72%

​​Aroma: spice, plum, hay

Taste: black pepper, lemon, earthy forest, raisin

​Rating: 9.5

Tasting Date : 8/15/17

Notes: Many phases, Nice lingering flavor, Heirloom  Cacao


Bar: Boyaca

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 69%

​​Aroma: dried fruit, vanilla, cinnamon

Taste: floral, marshmallow, roasted nut, grapefruit

​Rating: 8.5

Tasting Date : 8/24/17

Notes: both very sweet and very bitter


Bar: Perla Negra

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 74%

​​Aroma: earthy, cocoa, floral, tropical forest

Taste: tobacco, raisin, coffee

​Rating: 8

Tasting Date : 11/12/17

Notes: chalky, brittle texture took away from the experience 

Bar: Rio de Oro

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 73%

​​Aroma: molasses, warm spice, chocolate

Taste: molasses, floral, honey, dried fruit

​Rating: 9

Tasting Date : 5/12/17



Bar: Sierra Nevada

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 64%

​​Aroma: caramel, buttery latte

Taste: caramel, berry, earthy, mushroom, coffee

​Rating: 9.5

Tasting Date : 9/21/17

Notes: THIS is the Cacao Hunters bar I'm crazy about!


Bar: Sierra Nevada

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 52% (milk chocolate)

​​Aroma: caramel, creme brûlée, smoky spice

Taste: tangy berry, cream, caramel, roasted, nutty

​Rating: 9

Tasting Date : 7/31/17

Notes: great notes in a milk bar!


Bar: Tumaco

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 70%

​​Aroma: earthy, tobacco, spice, vanilla

Taste: vanilla, citrus, tobacco, warm spice

​Rating: 9.5

Tasting Date : 7/31/17

Notes: deep flavor notes, a really great bar, smooth melt, lingering flavor, can't stop eating it!


Bar: Tumaco

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 82%

​​Aroma: earthy, hay, spice

Taste: earthy, citrus

​Rating: 8.5

Tasting Date : 7/31/17

Notes: smooth beginning and end with a bitter middle, lingering flavor


Bar: Tumaco (con leche)

Origin: Colombia

Percent: 53% (milk chocolate)

​​Aroma: milky, tangy, waxy

Taste: cream, coffee, citrus, warm spice

​Rating: 8

Tasting Date : 10/19/17




Bar: Uganda

Origin: Uganda

Percent: 80%

​​Aroma: barely any scent

Taste: vanilla, alcohol, bitter, astringent

​Rating: 3

Tasting Date : 11/18/11

Notes: filmy and grainy


Cailo Chocolate




Bar: Ooray

Origin: Panama

Percent: 65%

​​Aroma: sweet, citrus

Taste: floral, cocoa, sour fruit

​Rating: 7.5

Tasting Date : 2/5/18

Notes: Subtle up front with floral and cocoa, then tangy ooray fruit hits. I have never have ooray, but it's a strange flavor.


Charm School Chocolate




Bar: Dark Belize

Origin: Maya Mountain, Belize

Percent: 70%

Aroma: fruity, sweet, light scent

Taste: pineapple, bright and fruity

​Rating: 8

Tasting Date : 1/13/18

Notes: Interesting pineapple notes, but a bit too pineapple for my personal taste, otherwise a great bar (and an award winner!)


Chocolat Bonnat

Bar: Cacao Cusco

Origin: Peru

Percent: 75%

​​Aroma: floral, berry, raisin, spice

Taste: stone fruit, floral, fudge

​Rating: 9

Tasting Date : 6/26/17

Notes: very smooth mouthfeel, nice lingering taste, my favorite Bonnet that I've tried to date


Bar: Hacienda El Rosario

Origin: Venezuela

Percent: 75%

​​Aroma: leather, vanilla, black pepper

Taste: leather, honey, tobacco, forest

​Rating: 7.5

Tasting Date : 8/6/12

Notes: interesting flavor, slightly dry


Bar: Votron

Origin: Madagascar

Percent: 75%

​​Aroma: spice, raisin, bourbon

Taste: vanilla, blackberry, mushroom

​Rating: 9.5

Tasting Date : 1/2/13



Claudio Corallo

Bar: Sable 80%

Origin: Sao Tome & Principe

Percent: 80%

​​Aroma: very strong- leather, red berry, rose, tobacco

Taste: leather, peat, cigar

​Rating: 9.5

Tasting Date : 2/14/13

Notes: scotch-like, large sugar crystals balance out the initial bitterness as the chocolate melts, deep flavors






Bar: Cloudforeat

Origin: Camino Verde, Ecuador

Percent: 73%

​​Aroma: floral, sweet, honey

Taste: honey, floral, cinnamon

​Rating: 8.5

Tasting Date : 5/31/17

Notes: incredible package design


Bar: Goma, "grey chocolate"

Origin: unknown, white chocolate


​​Aroma: sesame, sweet, toasted

Taste: sesame, sweet, toasted

​Rating: 8.5

Tasting Date : 5/30/17

Notes: Ingredients: cacao butter, black sesame, milk solids, cane sugar, vanilla, matcha

This is a unique bar, I enjoy the sesame flavor it has. 


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