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Nathan Miller

Nova Monda

Nathan Miller, Nova Monda, Nuance


These reviews are based on my own opinion, which has grown and developed over the years (note the date tasted). My opinion and palate may differ from yours. I was not paid to review any bar. 

Bar: Ecuador

Origin: Ecuador

Percent: 70%

​​Aroma: dried cherry, walnut, vanilla

Taste:  walnut, dried fruit, citrus/orange

​Rating: 7.5

Tasting Date : 4/23/13

Notes: Like that it's local


Bar: Green Label

Origin: "NicaDor" Blend of Nicaragua and Ecuador

Percent: 75%

​​Aroma: sweet fruit, citrus, molasses

Taste:  walnut, citrus, dried fruit

​Rating: 7.5

Tasting Date : 8/7/13

Notes: Like that it's local

**8/2017- Nova Monda has since changed ownership and is now known as just Nova. Their new packaging is much more appealing than this wrapper pictured.


Nuance Chocolate



Bar: Bolivia

Origin: Bolivia 2014

Percent: 70%

​​Aroma: nutty, fruity, oaky 

Taste:  cocoa, oak, raisin, earthy like scotch

​Rating: 9

Tasting Date : 8/23/15



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